Approximately 38 million Americans have diabetes, with 90-95% of those having Type 2. [1]
Worldwide, this number is currently over 529 million, and it’s expected to more than double by 2050, reaching 1.3 billion cases of Type 2 Diabetes around the world [2].
While this is a startling number, what’s even more startling is that researchers don’t expect to see a drop in these numbers in ANY COUNTRY during this time.
WHAT?!? Why would they not expect to see diabetes rates decrease?
With our current epidemic here in the U.S., it’s not really surprising because so many people living with Type 2 don’t realize they have options. Many simply haven’t been informed that they can make simple changes to their lifestyle to minimize their risk. And sadly, some, while knowing they have options, have chosen to forgo any lifestyle modifications and continue on the same path that led them to their original diagnosis.
For those who do wish to improve their health and reduce their risk of diabetes complications like blindness, neuropathy, and amputations, here are 3 pieces of the puzzle to consider.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. ~Hippocrates
This, by far, is the most crucial element to consider when being diagnosed with Type 2. The foods we eat have the power to fuel us or harm us. To give us energy and vitality or destroy us from the inside out. So what kinds of foods should we be eating for optimal health? Plants. Whole Plant Foods are the best. What exactly are whole plant foods? Check out my blog post PREDIABETES DIET: WHAT DIET IS BEST? for more detailed information.
"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." ~John Muir
Spending time in nature is crucial for our overall health. Study after study has shown nature immersion to lower blood pressure (crucial for those with diabetes!), reduce anxiety, increase focus, and more. So how much time should you spend outside to get these benefits? Research shows that 120 minutes per week is enough [3], although the more the better! Nature connection isn’t just a fun little thing to do “if” you have time. It’s imperative for your health.
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~Jim Rohn
Physical activity is another key component to living your best life after a Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis. The more you move, the better you’ll feel. Our bodies aren’t meant to sit all day, and doing so breaks us down quickly. We must be active all throughout the day if we are to achieve optimal health and wellness.
If you’re new to physical activity, start small. Take a short walk (5-10 minutes) after breakfast, another after lunch, and another after dinner. By doing this just 5 minutes each time, you’ve just walked 15 minutes. Do that each day, and you’ll start to notice a difference. If you already walk during the day, try walking longer or more briskly, or plan a day hike at a local park. The specific activity isn’t really important at this point, just as long as you MOVE.
If you’re new to physical activity, start small. Take a short walk (5-10 minutes) after breakfast, another after lunch, and another after dinner. By doing this just 5 minutes each time, you’ve just walked 15 minutes. Do that each day, and you’ll start to notice a difference. If you already walk during the day, try walking longer or more briskly, or plan a day hike at a local park. The specific activity isn’t really important at this point, just as long as you MOVE.
If you begin to incorporate healthier foods, more nature time, and movement into your day, you CAN reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes complications, and essentially change the trajectory of your life in the process. You can do this. I BELIEVE IN YOU!