Don't Let Type 2 Diabetes 
Control Your Life!

Lose weight, lower your blood pressure, and reduce your A1C NATURALLY, so you can restore your health, prevent complications, and enjoy a better quality of life with your loved ones. 

A Diabetes diagnosis can be scary!

Insulin shots, high blood pressure, unfamiliar medications, constant monitoring, having to essentially turn your world upside down. It can be frustrating to deal with day after day, especially when you see no end in sight.

It can be hard to enjoy life when you're spending the majority of your days just trying to survive. 

Thankfully, breakthrough IS possible.
You CAN lower your blood pressure.
You CAN lose weight and keep it off.
~ You CAN enjoy a better quality of life.

Let me show you how.

I had the pleasure and privilege of being on Sabrina Victoria's HerNation Talk Show recently, talking about Preventing Diabetes With Plants. Catch the replay now! 

   Tracy Davis   

Tracy was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, had an A1c over 7%, struggled with high blood pressure, and weighed 260 pounds. He was prescribed Metformin, insulin, and blood pressure medication.

Tracy was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, had an A1c over 7%, struggled with high blood pressure, and weighed 260 pounds. He was prescribed Metformin, insulin, and blood pressure medication.
Regie had Type 2 Diabetes with an A1c of 7.1. He desired to lose weight, reduce his high blood pressure, and lower his A1c. In just 3 months of working together, he lost 9 pounds and lowered his blood pressure. Watch his video to hear even more benefits of his new lifestyle!
   Regie Holloway   

Regie had Type 2 Diabetes with an A1c of 7.1. He desired to lose weight, reduce his high blood pressure, and lower his A1c. In just 3 months of working together, he lost 9 pounds and lowered his blood pressure. Watch his video to hear even more benefits of his new lifestyle!

   Deborah Baker   

Deborah was diagnosed as Prediabetic at her annual checkup. During a prayer call with her church, a gentleman talked about his own health journey, and how his coach (me) was helping him achieve his goals. Deborah got my information and began her own health transformation.

After working together for 3 months, here's what Deborah had to say:
"I have lost over 18 pounds and counting! I have more energy and can do things that I enjoy such as attending my granddaughter's basketball games and going to estate sales. I am truly loving my journey to better health!"

Update on Deborah as of July 2024: she's now lost 50 pounds!!!

Adrienne Davis

I watched my grandma die a slow, miserable death after being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes when I was just 10 years old. She let that diagnosis take over her life for 21 years as she refused to make any changes to get better.
When I met my husband in 2018, he had recently been diagnosed with Type 2. I had been a vegetarian for just 6 months at that point, but was already sold on the health benefits of this lifestyle after using it to manage anxiety and panic attacks and lose weight. I knew it could work for my meat-loving husband, so I suggested he eat plants for the next 30 days. He initially looked at me like I had two heads, but he eventually came around. After 3-4 months, he, too, was convinced after officially becoming non-diabetic, losing 40 pounds, and no longer requiring any diabetes medications.
My mom was diagnosed with Type 2 four years ago. She wasn’t ready for the help I tried to give, so I stepped back. Her health grew worse to the point she had to quit her job. She found a new doctor who told my mom how to get better. Wanna take a guess what that doctor said? If you guessed the same information I shared with her, you’d be correct. No hard feelings, of course. I love my mom. And I’m proud to watch her losing weight, lowering her blood pressure, and feeling amazing!
I’ve made it my mission (with God’s help) to eradicate this disease for good, by helping my clients transition to a more plant-based lifestyle. I know that’s a BIG dream, but I love dreaming big! In addition to nutrition, I also focus on mental health, specifically helping clients slow down and spend time outdoors to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress, that can often result after a diagnosis.
I am a Certified Plant-Based Coach through the Food Revolution Network (FRN), and was a recipe tester for their second cookbook coming out in October 2024. I’m also a Plantrician provider, committed to using food as medicine, a Certified Mental Health Advocate through the American Association of Christian Counselors, and trained in Nature Therapy (also known as Forest Bathing, Forest Therapy, and Shinrin-Yoku).
If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes or Prediabetes and are looking for help eating healthier (and managing anxiety and stress along the way), please book a complementary consultation below. I look forward to connecting with you! :-)

Are You Ready for a Diabetes Transformation? 
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