Type 2 Diabetes is taking over the world, and is expected to double by 2050. Key lifestyle modifications for those with Type 2 effectively revolve around nutrition, nature, and movement. By adopting these simple yet powerful lifestyle changes, individuals have the potential to significantly reduce their risk of complications associated with Type 2.
As Maya continues to battle anxiety, sadness, and anger, Mrs. Thompson proposes a meeting with her and her mother to explore underlying causes and potential solutions for Maya's panic attacks. This chapter highlights the complexity of mental health issues and the critical role of communication and support systems in addressing them. The story sensitively portrays the challenges of navigating mental health concerns, the fear of opening up about personal struggles, and the significance of compassionate intervention.
The dialogue between Mrs. Thompson and Maya's mother, Ms. Bennett, opens up avenues for further discussion and support, suggesting a collaborative approach to understanding and managing Maya's panic attacks. Meanwhile, Mrs. Thompson's introspective moments reveal her genuine concern for Maya's well-being, underscoring the impact of educators and support staff in providing a safety net for students facing emotional and psychological challenges. As the narrative unfolds, it becomes evident that Maya's journey is not just about coping with panic attacks but also about the broader implications of trust, healing, and the courageous step of seeking help.
Maya's attention is drawn to the same picture of her and her mom at church on Christmas Day. She hears a whisper telling her to ask her mom to go to church again, but ignores it. Maya shares breakfast with her mom before heading to school where her favorite teacher, Mr. Janowski asks to speak to her after class. After their brief conversation, she heads down to the math room to get ready for her test. So far so good, she begins the test...and then...it happens.
Ms. Bennett and Maya both wrestle with emotional turmoil and memories from the past. Ms. Bennett feels a strong desire to return to her church, despite her fear of judgment from others. She is reminded of her husband's sudden change in behavior and yearns for closure. Maya, on the other hand, reminisces about her loving childhood with her parents, but also remembers how their relationship deteriorated. These memories resurface late at night, causing tears and confusion. Despite their different experiences, both women seek solace and a way to overcome their pain.
Maya is overwhelmed with questions and emotions, struggling to understand why her dad would abandon them. She tries to remain strong but battles feelings of insecurity and guilt, wishing she had opened up to her mom about her pain. Meanwhile, Ms. Bennett is also grappling with her own sadness and shame, unable to face their church community after her husband's betrayal. Both Maya and Ms. Bennett have lost important connections, deepening their sense of loss and isolation.